A Creative Alchemist Enjoys His Freedom – After Being Banished from His Hometown, He Is Now Free to Create Magical Items with Incredible Effects Under the Control of the Demon King - Episode 31
Episode 31: “Making Comfortable Bedding”
“This is what I’m making this time.”
I showed Luquier and Mabel the page of the 『Mail Order Catalogue』.
What was posted there was ────
『The latest body pillow』
Have you been having trouble sleeping lately, such as your pillow not fitting you properly?
Then try the latest pillow and experience a good night’s sleep!
This body pillow is made from a magical new material!
The surface is smooth, and the inside is soft to wrap around.
It feels like you’re hugging a loved one!
The fabric is as soft as human skin, finely textured, and stretches freely!
The special beads inside allow you to change the shape to your liking.
The shape is completely free. It can be transformed into any shape.
You can wear it in a different look every day or in your favourite look.
How you hug is up to you!
This body pillow will soothe your worries and troubles.
When your loved one is not with you, please keep this body pillow by your side.
You can feel connected to your loved ones anytime!
“””… Ohhh.”””
Luquier, Mabel, and I were gazing at the 『Mail Order Catalogue』 in admiration.
“Hey, Thor.”
“Yes, Lady Luquier.”
“How is this a substitute for Thor and me sleeping together, holding hands?”
“Because I believe this 『Body pillow』 can transform into a human form.”
Luquier’s eyes widened.
“Well… it’s true that it says it’s like ‘hugging a loved one’ and ‘feeling like you’re connected to a loved one,’ but isn’t it a bit of a stretch to think that this 『Body pillow』 can transform…”
“But when I look at this body pillow, I remember the legend of a certain hero.”
“A legend of a hero?”
“He was able to manipulate his magical powers and freely change his appearance… he was a hero who used 『Morphology Alternation』 magic.”
They both seemed to notice.
Among the heroes who were once summoned from another world, there were some with the ability to use magic to freely change their appearance.
“He was. He was definitely there. He changed his appearance and infiltrated the Demon King’s army.”
“Once his true identity was discovered, he transformed into a dragon… I know that too.”
“The hero was using “granular magic”. It was a small magical body, a mass of magical power that can take any shape and change into any color. The hero used to create a fake body and wear it like a costume.”
I pointed to the 『Mail order catalogue』 and continued.
“So it was the『Special beads that can be made into any shape you like』 right?”
“…Yeah, for sure.”
“Now that you mention it… you’re right.”
Perhaps remembering the legend, Luquier and Mabel nodded with serious expressions.
“It is said that after the hero’s true identity was revealed, his fake body was broken, and 『a grain-like magical power』 scattered from inside…”
“Do you think this 『Body pillow』 has the same powers, Thor-sama?”
“Yes. That’s why 『Mail Order Catalogue』says 『Magical…new material…』. I think its ability is what allows it to 『change shape freely』 and 『transform into any form』.
The legend of the shape-shifting hero was widely heard in the Empire.
Just like the “magic particles” that the hero used, I think this 『Body pillow』 contains beads—tiny particles—that can be freely moved around using magical powers.
That was why the catalogue says, 『It’s like hugging someone special.』
Legend had it that even the hero’s family members couldn’t see through his transformation ability.
“…Certainly, the items in the Hero’s World don’t seem like just 『Body pillow』.
“So, does this 『Body pillow』 really have the ability to transform…?”
“We’ll know after we try making it. If it’s successful, I can transform this 『Body pillow』 into my shape, and then you’ll be able to sleep while holding my hand, Luquier-sama.”
“I agree! I’d love to help!”
Luquier had a difficult look on her face.
Mabel was very motivated.
“If Her Majesty has no need for it… I would definitely like to use this ‘body pillow’ myself. I’m curious to know what it’s like to hug Thor-sama—no, how comfortable this pillow is to hug.”
“No, no, it was me who said I wanted to sleep holding Thor’s hand!”
Luquier raised her head as if she had made up her mind about something.
“It seems like it’s not what I had originally intended, but… I’ll forgive it! If we can make a comfortable pillow, the people of the Demon King’s territory will be able to sleep better too! That way, everyone should be able to live comfortably!”
“That’s right, Lady Luquier.”
“I will prepare the necessary materials. Go ahead, Thor!”
Alright, permission was granted.
Let’s start making it right away.
I told Luquier and Mabel about the materials we needed.
“I brought it. Let’s get it out, Thor… Here we go.”
With a whoosh, a pure white sheet flew out from the 『Ultra-compact Simple Warehouse』.
This was the material for the cloth I asked Luquier for.
She ordered the maids to prepare some extra sheets for us.
“It’s also ready. Thor-sama!”
Next, Mabel took out the next item, bean shells in a barrel.
These were called surara beans, and they were light and hollow inside, and they weren’t used for eating.
Instead, bean shells were used for the contents (filing) of pillows and cushions.
It seemed there was one in the Demon King’s territory too. That was good.
“Thank you, Luquier-sama. Mabel.”
“Is there anything else you need?”
“Please tell me anything, Thor.”
“I’ve prepared the remaining materials. Just watch over there. Then… prepare the magic stones.”
I placed the magic stones that the Chancellor had prepared on the table.
These magic stones contained no magical power.
It was an empty magic stone that already had all its magical power used up. I would use this one this time.
“Well then, let’s begin. Activate──『Creative Alchemy』!”
I activated the skill.
First, spread the sheet on the table.
On top of that, I placed magic stones.
Combine sheets and magic stones to create a fabric that reacts to magic.
“──『Material Transmutation』”
Hurun. (TL: Stone trembling sound)
When the skill was activated, the magic stone placed on the sheet began to tremble.
Like melting ice, it thinned out, spread, and blended into the sheets.
All right. 『Material Transmutation』 was a success.
When I used 『Appraisal Grasp』── I could see that each of the fibre lines that make up the sheets and the magic stones were fused together. When I poured magical power… changed the shape as I imagined.
The “shape changing cloth” that reacted to magical power was complete.
Next, had to do the same with the shells of surara beans.
I would use 『Material Transmutation』 on this one as well.
“Luquier, please try placing your hand over these beans.”
“Um, okay. Like this?”
“Yeah. Now imagine it becoming a shape you like—a circle or a triangle, for example.”
“A circle and a triangle? A circle and a triangle… oooooooh!? Wh, what is this!?”
“Bean shells! It has become a circle and a triangle.”
Alright. It was done.
The small bean shells gathered together and took shape as expected.
“It looks good. Now, let’s finish it up.”
I stare at the 『Body Pillow』 page in the 『Mail Order Catalogue』.
I burned the image into my mind…
“Exhibiting an image of the 『Body Pillow』!”
As I declared, a translucent 『Body Pillow』 appeared in the air.
The size should be about the same as my height. The thickness should be about the same as my waist.
I moved the image diagram onto the table.
The sheets and bean shells were absorbed into the image.
The sheets were on the outside, and bean shells were on the inside of the pillow.
I also added the water attribute to make the 『Body Pillow』 softer.
The water was smooth and could take any shape.
By adding the water attribute, it could be given similar properties.
Additionally, a wind attribute was added to improve breathability.
Now you could rest assured even on hot, uncomfortable nights.
I would also make a pillow cover.
Granted the ability to accumulate magical power on the cover.
Magic had its own characteristics depending on the person, so if someone injected magic into the cover and placed it over the 『Body Pillow』, it should be able to change shape.
Finally, I used 『Creative Alchemy』 to double-check that this was okay.
Yeah… it looked good. Let’s finish it up.
“Executing. 『Creative Alchemy』──”
So fluffy.
A two-metre—long 『Body Pillow』 appeared on the table.
“Ohhhhhh! That’s amazing…”
“So this is the hero’s world’s… 『Body Pillow』…”
『Body Pillow (Main Body)』 (Rareness: ★★★★★★★★★★★☆)
(Attribute: Water/Wind)
A body pillow made of magically reactive fabric and magically reactive bean shells.
Its strong water attribute gives it a smooth texture and the ability to transform freely.
Its wind attribute gives it excellent breathability.
It can change shape in response to the user’s magical powers and thoughts.
This is a top-class body pillow that can also be used as a regular pillow.
If you place it under your head, it will conform to the shape of your neck, and if you place it on your back, it will conform to the shape of your spine.
Physical Destruction Resistance: ★★★★★ (It absorbs all types of impacts, making it extremely hard to destroy.
Service life: 5 years
Note: It’s OK to wash.
• Additional (Optional)
“Body Pillow Cover” (Rareness: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★☆)
(Attributes: Water, Wind, Light)
Its strong water attribute gives it a smooth texture and the ability to transform freely.
Its wind attribute gives it excellent breathability.
The light attribute allows the surface colour and pattern to be freely changed.
A cover designed specifically for the 『Body Pillow』.
It has a greater ability to store magical power than the main body.
By placing it over the main body of the body pillow, you can change the shape of the body pillow itself to your liking.
• How to use
(1) The subject touches the cover and infuses magical power.
(2) When you want to use it, put the cover over the body pillow.
(3) The cover and the main body of the item will transform into the person who infused them with magical power.
Transformation duration: 1 hour.
The pillow can only share its senses with the person who has been infused with magical power if that person is nearby (e.g., in the same building) and gives their consent.
“Well then, Mabel. Will you join me in the experiment?”
“Yes Thor-sama. What may I do for you?”
“Just pour your magic into this 『Pillow Cover』 while holding it.”
I handed Mabel a plain 『Pillow Cover』.
“Well, then, I’ll give it a try.”
Mabel hugged it tightly.
When she closed her eyes, the 『Pillow Cover』 began to glow white.
“Thor, what’s going on?”
“The magic stone that has been dissolved in the fabric is reacting.”
“I see! Magic stones have the ability to absorb magical power…”
“Yes. The cover absorbs it.”
“Magic power also contains personal information. So if I put the cover that has absorbed Mabel’s magic power on it… does that mean the 『Body Pillow』 will take on the form of Mabel…?”
“…I hope it works out.”
Eventually the light from the 『Pillow Cover』 went out.
It seemed it had absorbed enough of Mabel’s magical power.
I took it and placed it over the 『Body Pillow』.
When I close the mouth of the cover…
The 『Body Pillow』 began to vibrate.
As it emitted light and slowly changed shape.
The process took just a few tens of seconds.
When the light disappeared, the 『Body Pillow』had transformed into Mabel wearing a maid’s uniform.
Its height and flowing silver hair were just like the real her.
She was sitting on the table, stretching and bending her pure white limbs.
“I-I’m here! Your Majesty… there’s another me here.”
“Wow. It’s just like Mabel. This is the 『Body Pillow』 of the hero world…”
“What’s more, it moves just as I want it to. Raise your right hand; raise your left hand──it’s incredible. It really is just like me…”
“The power of the hero’s world is frightening—no, the most amazing thing is Thor, who can make it happen…”
“It’s a great success, Thor-sama! It’s wonderful!”
Mabel’s eyes were wide as she stared at the pillow that looked just like her.
Even Luquier was impressed. Even from her perspective, the 『Body Pillow』 looked like it had been transformed into an exact replica of Mabel.
In front of them was a humanoid figure that looked just like Mabel.
Moreover, it moved according to the will of Mabel, who gave it its magical powers, sitting down and raising its arms.
The 『Body Pillow』 was complete.
If I transformed this into my appearance, I was sure Luquier’s wish to sleep while holding hands would come true.
I was devastated by the feeling of defeat.
Not good.
Although it was completed, it still didn’t come close to the 『Transformation』 skill of the Hero’s World.
“Wh-what’s wrong, Thor-sama?! Hasn’t the 『Body Pillow』completely transformed into me!?”
“That’s right. This looked just like Mabel herself. What are you upset about?”
“…This doesn’t even express half of the cuteness Mabel has.”
Indeed, its appearance was just like Mabel’s.
But something was different.
As a creator, I realised that.
“Thor-sama…? Wh-what are you talking about!?”
“Half as cute as Mabel? E, eh, huh?”
“When I first met Mabel, I thought a forest fairy had appeared to me. Such a beautiful person exists in this world. I realised there was so much I still didn’t know. I forgot that I had been locked up in the carriage for over ten days, and it felt like the world had expanded for me.”
“Um, um, Thor-sama?”
“Why are you suddenly saying?!”
“Shining silver hair, white skin, and beautiful long ears. But that’s not all that’s attractive about Mabel, is it?
The kindness of the way she held out my hand to stop me from falling in the Demon King’s forest and the way she smiled bravely even after her precious pendant broke so as not to make me worry─that kind of thing is one of Mabel’s charms, isn’t it??
With Mabel by my side, I thought maybe I could make it in the Demon King’s territory.”
“–Um, well. Um, well. Umm, ummm…!”
“Uh, yeah. Mmhmm.”
“Mabel always supports me and accompanies me in my experiments. Whenever I feel thirsty, she gives me tea—she’s always looking out for me. That’s where it is. That’s the charm of Mabel. Just having her there makes me feel at ease… Just having her there makes me happy.”
“…Thor-sama. Please, stop. Please forgive me.”
“…It was the first time I’d seen Mabel squirm with embarrassment. It was a valuable experience…”
“But I don’t really get the sense of Mabel’s charm from this 『Body Pillow』.
Since it’s an item from the hero’s world, surely these aspects should be expressed as well?
I’m still immature because I can’t do that.
That’s why I said it was a “failure” without thinking. Ah, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Mabel body pillow is cute, right? It’s just that it’s nowhere near as cute as the real Mabel… Wait, what?
“… (twitching. Twitching.)”
“…Thor. Please forgive her. Mabel has reached her limit.”
When I came to reality, Mabel was slumped over the table.
Luquier hit my shoulder with one hand and tried to cover my mouth with the other.
Then I realised I had been talking too much.
“…I’m sorry, Mabel. I just… started talking too much and couldn’t stop…”
“…… Y-Yes. I’m fine. It’s just my heart pounding.”
But Mabel still didn’t look up.
She was slumped against the table, one hand clutching her chest.
Next to her, Mabel, the 『Body Pillow』, was doing the same.
They looked alike, but you could tell the difference at a glance. The real thing was cuter.
After all, I was still no match for the hero.
Apparently, the hero who used the 『Morphology Alternation』 ability had even transformed into a dragon itself.
At that time, it was said that every single scale had been perfectly reproduced, and its true identity was completely unrecognised.
Compared to that, I still didn’t come close…
“That’s how it is, Luquier-sama.”
“What were we talking about?”
“No, I thought that if I used this 『Body Pillow』, Luquier-sama would be able to sleep in her room while still holding my hand.”
“Now that I think of it, that’s right. That’s what you made it for.”
“What would you like to do? I think it would still function as a pillow even without the pillowcase.”
“…Thor made it for us. Let’s use it. However!”
For some reason, Luquier looked at me intently.
“There’s a difference between you and the 『Body Pillow』 after all! The real you is much more… well… to me, you’re an important person. Don’t forget that!”
I couldn’t help but nod.
“…It’s embarrassing to be told that to your face.”
“Do you understand Mabel’s feelings?”
“I understand. Next, let’s make a body pillow in the shape of Luquier-sama.”
“You’re going to talk again, aren’t you?! Are you trying to stop my heart?!”
So, I gave Luquier set of a 『Body Pillow』 and a 『Pillow Cover』.
For the time being, I would return it to its original form as a “Mabel type” and inject my magical power into it instead.
All she had to do was put the 『Pillow Cover』 on before she went to sleep, and it would take on my shape.
“…Your Majesty. I have a request to make of you.”
“Very well, Mabel. Do you want to sleep with me tonight?”
“H-how you get it?”
“Well. Decide whether you want the right or left hand.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“I also wanted to have a long chat with Mabel after a long time. This is perfect.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty!”
Thus, the two-piece set I made, the 『Body Pillow』 and 『Pillow Cover』, was safely taken over by Luquier.
Until the cover was put on, it was just a plain “body pillow,” so there was no problem with Luquier bringing it into her room.
Apparently, Mabel could stay in Luquier’s room if she applied it to the head maid. That was good.
I was glad they both enjoyed it.
It made me happy to see people enjoy the magic items I had made.
No matter what the Empire or my father did, this was my job.
By spreading these kinds of items throughout the Demon King’s territory, I could make this a more comfortable place.
That was my job, and that was what I wanted to do.
The Empire didn’t matter anymore.
I just wanted to be able to do my job and have people who were happy with it.
“Well then.”
There was still time before night.
Until then, let’s make some cloth by dissolving magic stones.
This material might have other uses besides body pillows.
While thinking about this, I once again started transmuting the materials.