Banished from the herd, I was actually a member of a very rare species. ~With the unique skills that only I can use, I can grow and evolve quickly. I will become an unrivaled monster~ - Episode 108: Chaos Beast 3
Episode 108: Chaos Beast 3
The cornered ‘Chaos Beast’ Treant first action was… to return the fallen tree to its original position.
Until now, it had been using its branches like legs. But now it placed the stump on the ground and settled into position.
A large amount of |Mana| was consumed, and what seemed like a trump card [Skill] was activated.
“([Frenzied Charge]… Damn, I might not make it in time!)”
I started running the moment I sensed the |Mana| movement, but the Treant’s movement was faster.
I gave up on stopping it and observed the effects to respond.
“(The fallen tree is regenerating…? No, it’s more like it’s growing.)”
The branches and trunk of the fallen tree began to stretch as if watching a time-lapse sped up. At the same time, the wounds were healing. But there were no new roots growing.
I don’t understand the logic, but it seems the ability only heals the trunk and branches.
The growth rate of the trunk and branches was astonishing. In no time, they covered the sky and began to shower down like drooping branches.
An attack of abnormal scale that matched the enormous consumption of |Mana|.
It was difficult to evade both in terms of speed and volume. The attack would reach me before I could get to the Treant.
“(But that’s only if I don’t interfere, Heat Ray launch.)”
I released four heat rays simultaneously, which I had prepared for suppression.
The speed of the heat rays was so fast that even I couldn’t track them. In an instant, they reached the Treant and began to burn through the branches as if cutting butter with a hot knife.
There were countless branches, but each one was thin compared to the trunk.
Almost all the branches that were supposed to attack me were severed in no time.
The branches that lost their support began to fall one by one, and I closed in on the Treant before they could fall completely.
“([Compact Slash]!)”
A charge followed by a slash. The Treant received this with the branches it had regrown.
Although I broke through the branch barrier as if breaking small twigs, my halberd only grazed the bark of the fallen tree.
It was because the Treant had retreated.
“(I should have cut the roots… So that’s it.)”
The Treant had stabbed about ten branches into the ground and was moving with multiple legs, just like me.
It was awkward but had the speed of a Sovereign Beast.
However, the Treant didn’t seem to have any intention of fleeing. It would take a step back and then quickly reverse and charge at me.
I faced the barrage of countless branches head-on.
“([Compact Thrust]! [Compact Slash], Double! [Compact Swing]!)”
A rapid succession of compact [Weapon Skills].
What would normally be an impossible feat was forcibly achieved with several [Skills].
“(…Still, it’s not trying to escape, huh?)”
I thought as I cut through the branches extending to protect the stump.
Normally, magical beasts begin to flee when they realize they can’t win. But this one showed no such signs. It kept attacking while evading my strikes.
Come to think of it, when my former companion, Sla-ta, was possessed by the Chaos Seed, it was the same. It attacked foolishly without any rational thought.
It seems this Treant is the same.
It can engage in some tactics, but its fundamental will is twisted.
“(…Time to finish it.)”
Now that I understand this, I can deal with it the same way.
I abandoned the stalemate and leaped high into the sky, then further up with [Aerial Jump].
(Note: Lol. If naruto has “Talk no jutsu”, this one has “Let the force (gravity) be with me”)
Once I gained sufficient altitude, I turned and leapt downward.
“([Aerial Jump], [Frenzied Charge], [Impact], [Conduction], [Charge Thrust]!)”
I positioned my halberd in front of me, activated my usual [Skills], and imagined a drill of the Mecha God to add rotation.
With the halberd fully enhanced, I thrust it forward.
The Treant tried to push me back with the volume of branches without fleeing or hiding, but it couldn’t stop me with the [Impact].
The sound of numerous branches breaking echoed, a strange noise roared as the trunk was split, and then I struck the side of the stump with a mimicked forest hammer.
I changed my position behind the branches, but it was clear thanks to [Clairvoyance].
I slammed it down to the ground, crushed it, and a loud explosion echoed.
“(This time, it’s over.)”
At the bottom of the crater created by the forest hammer, there were the shattered stump and the torn mysterious seed.
Seeing the roots extending from the seed wither brown, I realized the battle had come to an end.
―――Non-Notification Information Recording Zone―――――――――――――
>> The Corrupted Spirit that Blocks the Path of the Underworld, Tamagome, has died.
>> >> The Weapon Born from the Fire of War, Fuwa Katsu’s Soul Accumulation Level has increased to 249
>> Nameless {Seed of Chaos} has died.
>> Due to [Skill: Chaos Shift Soul] of ■を■■壟■■■混弄■、■オ■, the <Soul Fragments> of Nameless {Seed of Chaos} could not be absorbed.
>> The Weapon Born from the Fire of War, Fuwa Katsu’s [Unique Skill: Earth Growth Thunderbolt] has activated.
>> The [Chaos Transformation] of Nameless {Seed of Chaos}’s <Soul Fragments> has been dispelled.
>> The Weapon Maker, Fuwa Katsu, has stolen the <Soul Fragments> of Nameless {Seed of Chaos}.
>> The Soul Accumulation Level has risen to 262.
>> {Evolution} is now possible.
―――Non-Notification Information Recording Zone―――――――――――――
>> The Weapon Maker, Fuwa Katsu, has acquired the [Skill: Super Jump]. The [Skill: Aerial Jump] has been integrated.
>> The [Skill: Divine Staff] has been acquired. The [Skill: Impact] has been integrated.
>> The [Skill: Explosive Charge] has been acquired. The [Skill: Frenzied Charge] has been integrated.
>> The physical affinity of the [Unique Skill] has exceeded the threshold.
>> The [Unique Skill] resonated.
>> [Physical Transformation] occurred.
>> The [Earth Growth Thunderbolt] has sublimated to [Thunderstorm’s Rich Harvest].
>> Analysis has started… Completed.
>> According to the analysis results, the name has been changed to [Thunderstorm’s Rich Harvest – Minori no Jingi].
>> The analysis results have been added to the |Status|.
>> Abnormal mutation of the Species due to [Unique Skill] detected.
No malfunctions confirmed. Intervention has been discontinued.
>> The simple analysis results of the species have been added to the |Status|.
This sensation… my <Level> has increased dramatically.
And it seems I’ve finally reached {Evolution}. Though I couldn’t feel the joy of hopping around, it was definitely a good thing.
“(…Time to head back.)”
I pointed the forest chain towards the direction where Fisu had fled, and drove it into the ground.
Suddenly, I was enveloped in a floating sensation.
Thinking back, I had been fighting here for quite a while.
Starting with the “Colossus”, then the Mecha God, the three Sovereign Beasts, and now this Chaos Beast.
The battles between the Sovereign Beasts were so intense that they shook the earth, which means the ground took damage too. I had used [Impact] several times.
The ground had barely held up in that state. But it seems that with my next step, it reached its limit.
As the ground collapsed around me, I let out such a foolish sound.
(Note: There is side story for this chapter that you can buy using coins or membership).