Banished from the herd, I was actually a member of a very rare species. ~With the unique skills that only I can use, I can grow and evolve quickly. I will become an unrivaled monster~ - Episode 150: The One Who Commands the Eternally Unmelting Frozen Sea 7
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- Banished from the herd, I was actually a member of a very rare species. ~With the unique skills that only I can use, I can grow and evolve quickly. I will become an unrivaled monster~
- Episode 150: The One Who Commands the Eternally Unmelting Frozen Sea 7
Episode 150: The One Who Commands the Eternally Unmelting Frozen Sea 7
The moment the Fuwa Katsu was consumed by light lasted only the blink of an eye. In a flash so brief that an ordinary person couldn’t even perceive it, the torrent of light vanished. This proved that the |Mana| that the “Polar King” had painstakingly gathered over a long time was used up in an instant, and that the [Skill] activated was indeed that powerful.
To summarize, most of the countermeasures taken by Fuwa Katsu were rendered meaningless.
[White King’s Authority: Cold Calm Balance]. This [Skill] grants cold based on the target’s thermal energy and cold resistance. In essence, it freezes everything equally and fairly, regardless of the opponent’s heat or thermal conductivity. Consequently, all the defenses of Fuwa Katsu were negated.
Moreover, the might of the [White King’s Authority: Cold Calm Balance] didn’t end there. After the light torrent passed, it possessed a terrifying effect that decomposed objects below a certain temperature and transformed them into sparkling ice crystals. As mentioned earlier, there were no means to mitigate this cold, making the condition of “below a certain temperature” practically meaningless.
A pathway of ice crystals formed in the iceberg and the ice field pierced by light. And of course, Fuwa Katsu was no exception. Bathed in light, his body temperature dropped below a certain level, transforming his flesh into light particles and dealing massive damage that drained all of his vast |Life|.
Realizing the death of the external threat with the disappearance of the [Dominion], the “Polar King” lowered its somewhat pent-up anger and left the scene.
—–Suddenly, an arrow pierced its unguarded back.
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―――Non-Notification Information Recording Zone―――――――――――――
>> The Far-Off Radiance of the Luminous Sapphire Ring (?), Fuwa Katsu’s [On the Edge of the Ring] has activated.
~Skill Details~
[On the Edge of the Ring]
- Permanently boosts the ability to remain in place. Once every 24 hours, when |Life| reaches zero, instead, it remains at 1
“(That hurts sooooo much!!)”
I seriously thought I was going to die this time!! The moment I was bathed in light, my vision turned completely white! It was supposed to be freezing cold, but the intense pain made it impossible to tell if it was hot or cold! It hurt so bad it felt like I was dying! Even now, I have to desperately keep my spirits up, or I might faint from the pain!
“(But even so, thanks to [Repair Moonlight], I’m feeling a bit better!)”
~Skill Details~
[Repair Moonlight]
- Consumes |Mana| to emit a light that repairs artifacts. Can also emit a light that heals the mind.
Having weathered the torrent of light with [Dominion], I initially had only the bare minimum of body required for life remaining. However, thanks to the [Repair Moonlight] that had been activated beforehand, I managed to recover about two-thirds of my volume.
It’s not just limited to [Repair Moonlight], but healing [Skills] often have a slight delay from activation to healing. Unlike in games… well, even in games, there’s usually some lag before the HP bar fills up after using a healing technique.
That mechanism proved useful this time. The light from the Sea Angel instantly drained my |Life|, but the [Repair Moonlight] I had foolishly layered beforehand restored my |Life| and calmed my mind. Even while writhing in pain, I managed to choose the optimal solution.
That is to say, [Concealment].
The Sea Angel did not pursue me. While it was nearly out of |Mana|, it probably didn’t expect anyone to survive that light. Realizing this, I released the [Dominion] and looked for an opportunity to catch it off guard. I wanted to heal my wounds with [Repair Moonlight], but even using a little |Mana| could give me away.
The moment it turned its back, I closed in with [Super Jump] and pierced it with the narwhal drill.
“(Yes! [Assassination] activation successful!)”
~Skill Details~
- Boosts attack power when the opponent is unaware. Ignores a certain percentage of the target’s toughness when attacking unnoticed.
But that wasn’t all. [Explosive Charge], [Storm Strike], [Perforation]. Thanks to the synergy of multiple [Skills], the narwhal drill sank deeply into the Sea Angel. The Sea Angel twitched as if startled, then began to thrash wildly. However, the narwhal drill didn’t budge, and I pressed on with my counterattack.
“(Here we go! Starting to spin!)”
There was no longer a need to hide my |Mana|, and the artifact mounted on my weapon was usable. I began to gouge out flesh and extract entrails.
Next, the Sea Angel attempted to fire light projectiles from the surrounding ice crystals.
However, I had seen that attack countless times.
I was already prepared with countermeasures ready to go.
“(Activating [Territory]!)”
I re-expanded the [Dominion] using the |Mana| I had gathered at the back.
This area was under the Sea Angel’s [Dominion], so doing that would surely trigger a phenomenon of confrontation.
A powerful shockwave erupted from behind me, blowing away all the surrounding ice crystals.
Furthermore, being pushed by the shockwave, the narwhal drill plunged deeper.
At the same time, I shaped several ice chain scythes and inflicted cuts.
Despite being in close proximity, the “Freeze” was not activated.
“(Of course, there’s no |Mana| left for “Freeze”!)”
Even though it could recover endlessly with the [Dominion], accumulating enough |Mana| for a single use of “Freeze” would take a considerable amount of time.
Given that it had nearly exhausted its |Mana| with the light torrent, it couldn’t use “Freeze”.
“Ruu, Raraa!”
“(Whoa, are you serious?)”
However, the Sea Angel was just as formidable.
It suddenly began a steep dive, crashing ice chunks coming from below into me.
Due to the incredible relative speed, the narwhal drill was broken, and I was sent soaring into the sky.
Of course, I was aware of the [Skill] that manipulated ice and was paying attention in all directions.
Yet, I couldn’t notice it… or rather, I couldn’t see it.
That ice chunk truly appeared out of nowhere, suddenly materializing from the void.
“(So it’s invisibility… to think you still have cards hidden up your sleeve!)”
While speculating the nature of this mysterious phenomenon, I considered my next move.
That is to say, how to respond to the Sea Angel’s attacks.
It seemed that the Sea Angel was no longer worried about appearances; it rapidly closed the distance with full use of its |Speed|.
Yes, it was closing in.
Having endured my trump card, it too had probably steeled its resolve.
The full-speed movement of a Beast King… I could clearly track that speed, which could rival light projectiles.
That was the benefit of [Yin and Yang Wisdom].
~Skill Details~
[Yin and Yang Wisdom]
- Permanently boosts the effect of analysis-related [Skills]. When |Life| is below its maximum, boosts thought speed according to the reduction amount. Can store nearby artifacts or Mana Crystals in an alternate space.
Since my |Life| was diminished, I was in a state of accelerated thinking.
That’s why I had been able to act at the same reaction speed as the Sea Angel during our exchanges.
In my line of sight, the head of the “Polar King” split open, and six tube-like appendages emerged.
I think they call it a buccal cone.
Buccal Cone of a Sea Angel)
It’s a feeding apparatus typical of Sea Angels.
The one belonging to the “Polar King” looked somewhat more sinister than the ordinary Sea Angel’s, but its function was likely the same.
I slipped past the feeding apparatus aiming to consume me using [Instant Shift] and dove into the Sea Angel’s mouth.
“(The worst-case scenario is getting completely frozen and then escaping with all my strength! No more playing it safe from here on out! [Thunderstorm Rich Harvest – Minori No Jingi]!)”
“Ruru, Ruroraa!”
As I stuck to the inside of its mouth to unleash a deadly thunderstrike, a mysterious cold air blasted at me.
Its power was greater than that of the ice crystal light projectiles.
Seeing as it had not been used before, it probably had a short range.
While enduring that with [Repair Moonlight] and the Sunstone, I relentlessly unleashed my [Unique Skill].
To tear flesh, break bone, and return the soul that resides within to the earth.
It was a desperate struggle without any tricks.
How long could this fierce, gritty, life-and-death exchange continue?
In a state of extreme usage of [Concentration], even my sense of time became numb.
In that long instant, the one who first ran out of strength was—
―――Non-Notification Information Recording Zone―――――――――――――
>> The One Who Commands the Eternally Unmelting Frozen Sea, Lynerean, has died.