Banished from the herd, I was actually a member of a very rare species. ~With the unique skills that only I can use, I can grow and evolve quickly. I will become an unrivaled monster~ - Episode 151: Result
Episode 151: Result
―――Non-Notification Information Recording Zone―――――――――――――
>> The One Who Commands the Eternally Unmelting Frozen Sea, Lynerean, has died.
>> The Far-Off Radiance of the Luminous Sapphire Ring (?), Fuwa Katsu’s Soul Accumulation Level has increased to 761.
>> {Evolution} is now possible.
>> The Far-Off Radiance of the Luminous Sapphire Ring (?), Fuwa Katsu, has acquired the [Skill: Temporal Cicada]. The [Skill: Instant Shift] has been integrated.
>> The [Skill: Haisui Formation] has been acquired. The [Skill: On the Edge of the Ring] has been integrated.
>> The [Skill: Clear Tranquility] has been acquired. The [Skill: Concentration] has been integrated.
>> The [Skill: Focused Strike] has been acquired.
>> The [Skill: Cold Block] has been acquired.
>> The condition to obtain the [Skill: Courage] has been met.
>> The [Skill: Courage] has been acquired. The [Skill: Folly] has been integrated.
“(I… won…!!)”
The sensation of erasing the soul of the Beast King, the “Polar King,” caused all the strength in my body to drain away.
A little later, my <Level> increased, and a surge of strength unlike anything I had ever felt before coursed through me.
“(But that’s not all. After such a fierce battle, some [Skills] must have upgraded… but before that. My spatial expansion bag broke, so I need to take care of this. [Weapon Storage].)”
I took out an iron ball from another dimension and tossed it nearby.
Then, when I displayed my |Status|, there were a bunch of [Skills] I didn’t recognize.
~Skill Details~
[Temporal Cicada]
- When evading, action speed is enhanced. Constantly improves dynamic vision. Once every four hours, you can teleport to a nearby location using |Mana|.
[Hasui Formation]
- Constantly enhances the power to hold your ground. Once every 24 hours, when |Life| reaches zero, it will instead remain at 1. When |Life| is below 10% of the maximum, |Power| and |Speed| are enhanced.
[Clear Tranquility]
- Enhances concentration when focusing on a single task. Constantly improves thought speed, resistance to mental interference, and confusion resistance.
[Focused Strike]
- Enhances power when repeatedly attacking the same spot.
[Cold Block]
- Temporarily immobilizes the user, but during this time, both the user and their weapon gain increased durability and cold resistance.
- When courage is present, all abilities are enhanced. Constantly increases resistance to magic interference. Upon death, you can temporarily exceed your limits and continue acting.
Each of these [Skills] were upgrades from the previous ones: [Temporal Cicada] was an upgraded form of [Instant Shift], [Haisui Formation] came from [On the Edge of the Ring], and [Clear Tranquility] was the evolved form of [Concentration].
[Clear Tranquility], which constantly accelerates thought, is obviously invaluable. And [Temporal Cicada] is reliable as a one-time trump card.
[Focused Strike] and [Cold Block] were new Skills.
[Cold Block] seemed more like a derivative of [Block] than an entirely new [Skill], though.
Maybe Focused Strike was also a derivative of Concentration?
“(But the most important achievement this time is [Courage].)”
[Courage]—well, and [Folly] too—are supposedly special [Skills], according to the Gods.
They’re called [Saga Skills], and they require specific conditions to be met before they can be acquired.
For example, the condition to obtain [Folly] was “to willingly face a life-threatening situation with a purpose other than survival.”
Moreover, the “danger” must be caused by an entity of a higher Grade than yourself.
Once these conditions are fulfilled, you can acquire a [Saga Skill] by accumulating enough mastery.
While the process is troublesome, the effect is said to be powerful.
“(Ever since I heard about it, I knew I had to upgrade [Folly] into [Courage].)”
The activation condition for [Folly] was to fight an opponent whose Grade or <Level> is 1.5 times higher than yours. But with this condition, it wouldn’t work against Karkinos after I {Evolve} into a Beast King.
That would be a waste of such a strong [Skill].
But by upgrading it to [Courage], I can activate it depending on my state of mind, even when facing Karkinos.
The upgrade condition was also perfect for me, as it required “killing those with a higher Grade, whose combined <Levels> total 999 or more.” It aligned perfectly with my challenge against the “Polar King.”
The activation condition, “when courage is present,” is a bit vague. But I heard that it basically means getting serious. So as long as I fight earnestly, it should be fine.
“(With the [Skill] review done… there’s still something important left, though.)”
I had a gut feeling.
During the final moments of my battle with the “Polar King,” I felt as if I had indeed touched the core of my [Unique Skill], reaching its essence.
It doesn’t seem to be reflected in my |Status| display yet, but I can feel that I’ve reached a new level of understanding—
―――Non-Notification Information Recording Zone―――――――――――――
>> The understanding of the [Unique Skill] has exceeded the threshold.
>> The [Unique Skill] has resonated.
>> [True Transformation] has occurred.
>> [Thunderstorm Rich Harvest – Minori no Jingi] has sublimated into [The Endless Cycle of Thunderous Rebirth].
>> Beginning analysis… Estimated time of completion: undetermined.
>> Provisional analysis results have been added to the |Status|.
~Unique Skill Details~
[The Endless Cycle of Thunderous Rebirth]
- Maximizes harvest yield.
- Allows manipulation of lightning to either strengthen the earth, harvests life, or solidifies forms. (NEW)
It seems that my [Unique Skill] has undergone an upgrade as well.
I check the information in my |Status|.
“(Lightning that solidifies forms, huh. I see, that’s one way to put it.)”
I nod as I read the explanation of my newly awakened power.
While I can instinctively understand the effects and usage of the [Unique Skill], seeing it explained in words through the |Status| makes things clearer.
“(But the essence I grasped goes even deeper… Well, I’ll figure that part out once I get back. Right now, more importantly…)”
I’ve roughly confirmed my abilities, so now it’s time to take a look at the most immediate point of interest—my {Possible Evolutions}.
Well, this time there’s only one option available.
Now that I’ve reached the level of the Beast King, even my choices are limited.
If I had more time, I might have discovered other paths, but there’s no room for that now.
It looks more than strong enough—no, it’s more than enough. I’ll go with this.
“(I am—oh, seems like my ride’s here first.)”
“You won!? Katsu-kun!”
“Yeah, I won, no problem.”
A portal opened near the iron ball I had taken out from my [Weapon Storage], and Pola appeared from it.
Though she was dressed casually, she didn’t seem to be bothered by the arctic cold. Judging by the |Mana| around her, it was likely the power of magic protecting her.
It seemed she had also been training while I was fighting.
“So this is the ‘Polar King’… Even in death, the amount of |Mana| is incredible… Oh! But anyway, [Area Storage]!”
“You can store something this big now?”
“Hehe, yeah! But we’re short on time, so let’s hurry back.”
With that, I passed through the portal that she widened for easier passage, and we left the arctic behind.