I Am Being Mistaken for a Genius Strategist - Chapter 8
Recalling my memory, there were occasional instances akin to mine regarding people with past lives I’ve read.
Whether they had taken over someone’s body or had been reincarnated from their past life.
In those cases, living well and prospering always seemed to be on their list of goals.
While there were cases of revenge or such, I remember that about half were like that.
It seemed to be a rather empty goal, but facing a similar situation, I could sympathize.
A simple life is truly the sweetest and most desired gift of all.
I, too, have set my ultimate goal as living well and prospering like this.
Of course, within that goal lies the part about caring diligently for my family and our household.
What good is living well alone? True living well involves having a happy family and a peaceful home.
For that reason, as the eldest son of the Clauwitz family and the next heir to the Berti county, I gave my all.
I will continue to do so. I will strive tirelessly for that purpose.
Therefore, as I became the center of attention at the banquet with the princess, I could no longer diminish myself.
“I have mentioned this on the way here, but truly, the way you responded immediately when the meteor fell was quite impressive, Sir Kael.”
“I simply did my utmost for the Empire and the army. Your Highness.”
I refrained from outright saying, ‘I do not deserve such praise.’
Of course, without losing humility, I did not boast, ‘In truth, I am quite amazing.’
I avoided being excessively humble but also refrained from appearing overly boastful.
“For the sake of my family, my lineage, and my future.”
It has been over 20 years since I lived as a noble. With this level of experience, my understanding of how politics operate was modicum.
When a person of high standing displays humility, they are admired even more, and caution is advised.
However, being too humble risks grounds for complacency to rise.
If our family receives even the slightest mistreatment due to my mistake? That would never be acceptable.
“Hahaha. I’m baffled by how the situation developed the way it did, let alone how Her Highness somehow managed to infiltrate within the military’s ranks?”
“I am with you on that. Could it be that the gods were so moved by the direct heir of the royal family accompanying me to the distant front that they decided to bestow a gift?”
The officials at the warfront, the high-ranking military officers, quickly took notice of my change.
Indeed, one can’t rise to high positions based solely on military prowess.
It requires a sense of politics and sensibility. Yes, that’s it.
“Hahaha. Is that so? Well then, I am delighted to have met you, Sir Kael, during this military campaign.”
As they praised me, the princess who verbally uplifted me was also uplifted in turn.
In this warm atmosphere, just as the tension began to ease slightly.
“Your Highness.”
Someone approached and quietly whispered something in the princess’s ear.
A man who was currently speaking to her. I recalled having seen his face a few times.
“He was part of the princess’s escort, right? That man who disguised himself as a junior officer.”
As the escort came and said something, the slight tension in the princess’s smile increased.
While the exact details of what happened remain unknown, one thing became certain.
From the princess’s perspective, something quite embarrassing had occurred or someone had arrived.
“Ladies and gentlemen, His Imperial Highness, the First Prince will soon be arriving.”
And once again, my prediction did not stray from the mark.
The First Prince. This will surely chill the atmosphere in the banquet hall.
“Why on earth? Why come to the banquet?!”
Isabel was greatly taken aback by the announcement. It was an unexpected turn of events.
Gaius Heldenberg. The First Prince. At the center of the prominent noble families existing in the Empire.
Given the current prestige of the Empire, he is a figure who deems diplomatic actions more adequate than military actions.
As a result, he and his sister clash in many respects given her more hawkish stance in affairs and being a year apart in age.
Not particularly attached to the military, the First Prince had never attended a military banquet before.
It was said that apart from national events, he did not engage in personal conversations with military officials.
Hence, it was quite surprising when the First Prince suddenly appeared at the banquet.
For this reason, Isabel stopped the First Prince just as he was about to enter the banquet hall.
“What are you doing here?”
“Oh, my dear little sister. Is the banquet proceeding well?”
“Don’t beat around the bush. What are you up to?”
“What am I up to? I simply wanted to see those who have suffered for the Empire.”
‘Are you joking with me?’ Kael nearly spat those words out.
That remark might have slipped out had it not been for the eyes and ears around Kael.
“So, why come here? Weren’t you always critical of the imperial military’s operations?”
“This child here. Me critical? If you call being portrayed as a villain for speaking out against unnecessary violence passed off as righteousness as critical, it’s not.”
“I do call that being critical! You dolt!”
Despite being the Empire’s prince and princess, they were the epitome of ordinary siblings.
With only a year’s difference in age, it was instinctual for them to growl at each other.
“Here to complain again about excessive consumption of resources? Lament about unfortunate sacrifices? Are you trying to dampen the atmosphere with such dour talk?”
“Isabel, you should phrase that more tactfully. As a member of the royal family, one should not be lighthearted.”
In response, Isabel spat out a retort and bit her lip.
As the prince said, she was too worked up. Hence, some exaggerated words slipped out.
To others, they were simply siblings with a one-year age gap who bicker daily, but to the world, they were the First Prince and Princess of the Empire.
If the princess did not uphold the prince’s authority as a prince, it could shake the order of the royal family.
“Eugh…I beg of you. Tone it down. Moderation is key. Moreover, I didn’t come here today to have this exchange of ours, you know.”
After a shrug of the shoulders, the prince spoke.
“The Empire’s superiority could be and was proven by avoiding battles as much as possible and not arousing Norvogrod’s animosity.”
‘That’s exactly what you wanted, isn’t it? No need to wield swords, shed bl00d, and risk your life to fight. Plenty of other ways for undermining the enemy’s morale and making them lose the will to fight.’
Although Kael wanted to object, objectively speaking, what the prince said was accurate, making it difficult to argue.
In the end, Isabel sighed and could only step aside, blocking the path of the First Prince.
“Thank you. Well then, shall we go see those who have achieved a genuinely awe-inspiring victory?”
As Isabel looked at the First Prince and a few others entering the banquet hall, she pondered.
She would give him a pass for now as he was her brother. But if he caused trouble again, she’d take him down.
Could he have perceived Isabel’s true feelings at that moment?
“I present His Imperial Highness, the First Prince.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I have heard of your hard work during this time.”
“It was nothing, Your Highness.”
Previously, whenever he saw military officials, he subtly made remarks.
“They’re taking too much taxes,” or “It seems like they’re going to raise a fuss.”
“Resources paid for by the empire’s citizens, shouldn’t be used recklessly.”
The First Prince spoke subtly yet constantly as if to the point of suffocation.
However, today, he did not bring up such discussions.
Instead of curtailing the military, as the head of the peaceful faction, he commended their efforts.
‘Did something he ate earlier make him this way? He’s acting unusual.’
Initially, I thought so, but upon reconsideration, it seems plausible.
As mentioned earlier. This time, a significant battle ended without casualties.
The prince might be hoping the military could begin acknowledging that fighting isn’t the only solution.
“Oh. You are Kael, aren’t you? The eldest son of the Clauwitz lineage from the Berti county?”
“Yes, Your Highness. I am Kael Clauwitz.”
“I have heard the stories. Elevating morale with exceptional strategy, creating reasons for Norvogrod to retreat, and ultimately asserting our empire’s superiority. Truly remarkable. Haha!”
Amidst the praise from the prince, even he, a discerning figure, found Kael’s impressive performance noteworthy.
“The second strategy was also astounding, but I prefer your first strategy. People, even those learned in the stars, instinctively consider falling meteors as ominous signs. Not to mention, the proximity of it near the military camp, the anxiety would have been even greater.”
Now, the prince spoke so highly of him as if he was ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Kael.
“But Kael, while everyone contemplated retreating in fear or urged hasty decisions, you offered a completely different response in the midst of all that. With just a mere kite and matches, you uplifted your faltering allies and subdued the advancing enemies.”
“The legion commander deserves praise too for readily accepting the sudden idea that surfaced. Your Highness.”
“Just as I heard, even when showered with praises, you remain humble. You are someone who will be responsible for the future of our empire. Haha!”
‘Surprisingly, the atmosphere didn’t seem as bad as anticipated. Did I worry needlessly?’
Just as Isabel was about to drag the prince away at the slightest mistake, she felt a sense of relief.
“Your Highness, how about sharing some words of praise for the rest of the military officials?”
A figure who had been eyeing Kael strangely from earlier suddenly spoke up.
This person was one of the nobles of the peaceful faction who had entered with the prince a while ago.
“Kael’s strategy is remarkable, but a stable foundation is equally important. Anyone can devise a clever idea once, but maintaining morale is not easy.”
At first, it sounded like he was praising the military officials, but this noble was of the dominant faction.
There was no reason for such a person to commend the military. There had to be a different intention.
And some, including Isabel, could immediately perceive that.
‘What angle was this person playing at to suppress Kael’s achievements?’
That noble seemed to be a cunning strategist at the prince’s side.
Seeing the prince uplift a young man made him feel a bit uncomfortable.
Berti’s eldest son still appeared to him as a young noble.
Could he subtly be keeping him in check? Isabel thought so.
‘Even though he was aware of Kael’s background, seeing him act like this was off-putting. At the very least, he must be related to a noble faction with equal or higher standing to be acting the way he does.’
Perhaps a Marquis as this person was by the prince’s side, not to mention, that Berti is part of the warring faction and not to be trivialized.
This was likely a light jab of checks and balances, a common affair in the political world.
Even so, to display such behavior at the banquet was embarrassing.
Isabel decided that as the host, she must sternly reprimand him and moved to intercept.
“His words are correct.”
Laughing out loud, but with eyes that show no mirth.
Kael, having stepped away from the prince, approached the noble.
“As you just said, what I did was a clever move that anyone could devise. Ignoring its effectiveness.”
As Kael spoke, in the distance, there were hard-boiled eggs served as finger food.