My Unique Skill [Gacha] Will Save the World - Episode 38: Hidden Schemes
Episode 38: Hidden Schemes
——While Rindou and Kyousuke were busy hunting monsters in the southern marshlands. An unusual gathering of players stood outside the gate meant for new players.
However, these players weren’t there to hunt monsters.
“You’re certain Rindou went in there?”
“Y-Yes! I saw him enter with my own eyes, Gakuto-san.”
A group of five players had assembled with Gakuto Oze as the leader. They only had one purpose: to hunt down Rindou.
“But I heard he went in with a former C-rank player. Are you sure this is a good idea?”
The man who spoke nervously had been tailing Rindou earlier. He had even taken a punch to the stomach for his trouble.
“Huh? You want me to hit you again?”
“N-No! Not at all!”
The man quickly shook his head and forced an awkward smile. His fear was evident.
“Hey, you!”
Gakuto usually would’ve struck the man by now. But today his focus was entirely on Rindou.
“You’ve got everything ready, right?”
Instead of lashing out, Gakuto turned to a man working for the Association. He was demanding confirmation of the plan he had outlined over the phone.
“R-Right here!”
The Association employee pointed at a small cage. And Gakuto’s lips curled into a sinister grin as he saw what was inside.
“Heh heh heh! This’ll be the end of Rindou! He’s gonna regret messing with me!”
Sensing Gakuto’s malice, the creature in the cage let out a menacing screech. It began shaking the bars violently.
“Oh-ho! Feisty, aren’t you? But this cage is made from materials sourced from the other world. You’re not strong enough to break it!”
The creature clawed at the cage. It was trying to bite through the bars with its sharp teeth. But the cage remained unyielding. Still, it struggled on, driven by instinct.
“So, do you know where Rindou and the others went?”
“Probably the southern marshlands.”
Gakuto glared at the man. But he quickly tried to justify his uncertainty.
“I-I couldn’t leave this thing alone to confirm! But yesterday, I checked, and the number of monsters in the east and west areas had drastically decreased!”
“Why not the north, then?”
“T-The regular monster hunts cover that area. Last time, Yada joined in with the group hunt. He was responsible for the northern sector.”
This explanation seemed to satisfy Gakuto.
“Ah, I see. So you’ve been slacking off, too.”
“Y-Yes….. heh heh.”
“Well, whatever. If the south’s crawling with monsters, then Rindou must’ve headed there.”
Hearing that much, Gakuto couldn’t help but grin.
After all, his plan involved triggering a controlled monster rampage—and what better setting than a monster-dense area?
“Gyahahaha! If there are tons of monsters, this’ll be perfect!”
Cackling, Gakuto strode up to the gate meant for new players.
“You lot, carry the cage! Move out!”
“””“Y-Yes, sir!””””
His lackeys carefully lifted the cage. They took care to avoid the creature’s snapping jaws.
“I’ll kill you for sure, Rindou!”
With Gakuto leading the way, the group entered the gate. Their sinister plot was set into motion.