Reasonable Loss - 13
Well, it’s not so bad. If Dokwon woke up, it’s all over. Even if he doesn’t remember me, it’s okay. I can start over from the beginning. Just like when he constantly went up and down to the 14th floor, this time, I would go and find him.
Eunsoo pushed off the wall and stood up. Then, with a determined breath, he headed to Dokwon’s hospital room.
Dokwon was leaning on the bed head, looking at his phone with a serious expression. The screen was completely shattered due to the accident, and it was the phone his secretary had fixed.
Eunsoo knocked on the door smartly. Dokwon’s gaze shifted to the door. Eunsoo awkwardly smiled. Dokwon didn’t smile. He didn’t even invite him in.
After waiting for a moment, Eunsoo decided to be shameless. Just like Dokwon, who only showed up with a mug claiming the water dispenser was broken.
Eunsoo grabbed a chair and sat next to Dokwon. Dokwon looked at Eunsoo with a disapproving expression. Eunsoo smiled back, facing that disdain.
“How are you feeling? Are you in pain?”
“Are you hungry? Should I order a meal? Maybe porridge would be good for you?”
Eunsoo scanned the menu on the side table, trying to be considerate of Dokwon’s taste. The VIP room had a variety of menu options, not quite at a hotel level, but still better than hospital food.
What would be good? What would suit Dokwon’s taste?
While Eunsoo carefully studied the menu, Dokwon pushed his phone towards him.
“Is this you?”
Startled by the sudden formality, Eunsoo shrugged. When was the last time Dokwon used formal language with him? It felt very new since they started dating and spoke comfortably.
Eunsoo tried to hide his confusion as he looked at the phone. On the screen, Eunsoo was smiling with a large white chocolate donut on his lips, mimicking a beard. It was taken at a donut shop near the office, a place Dokwon and he often visited.
“I guess it looks like me, right?”
Remembering the moment the photo was taken, Eunsoo replied with a smile.
It was winter, but the sunlight was so good that it felt like a spring day indoors. Dokwon and Eunsoo, as always, had lunch together during office hours, stopped by a donut shop for coffee and dessert. With some time left, they sat at a window table, played a silly prank, and took that photo.
Dokwon really liked that photo.
He said it came out too cute, that he kept laughing every time he turned on his phone, and that he had laughed not just once or twice but several times during meetings.
When Eunsoo suggested changing the background, he adamantly refused. He jokingly said he had no plans to change it for the next 10 years.
Eunsoo’s eyes softened. He vividly remembered Dokwon’s expression when the photo was taken, holding the phone.
Dokwon didn’t say anything in response. He picked up his phone with an indifferent face and started looking at various things.
Eunsoo was pleased. It seemed like Dokwon was making an effort to regain his memory. After all, he hadn’t held onto the phone as tightly as before. From the gallery to messages and emails, there would be many memories stored there.
While Dokwon was engrossed in his phone, Eunsoo ordered the meal. Considering Dokwon’s dislike for heavy digestion, he carefully ordered side dishes to suit his taste.
With nothing to do, Eunsoo tapped his knee like playing the piano with his fingers. Then he noticed the empty glass. He got up immediately to fetch some water. Mixing a bit of cold water with hot water to make it warm.
Eunsoo handed the glass to Dokwon.
“Have some water. The meal will take about 15 minutes.”
Dokwon stared at the glass Eunsoo offered. Then suddenly, he dropped his phone into the glass. Eunsoo’s eyes widened at the unexpected action. Why would he put a perfectly fine phone in water…