Reasonable Loss - 6
Eunsoo breathed a sigh of relief. But that relief didn’t last long. Because Dokwon’s condition was serious.
A week passed. Dokwon, true to his strong alpha nature, showed remarkable progress in recovery day by day. But he still didn’t open his eyes. Despite visible signs of healing wounds, he just wouldn’t wake up. Eunsoo’s complexion worsened as Dokwon remained in that state.
Although his body was fine, not being able to regain consciousness was strange. Something unexpected had definitely happened, even to the doctors.
After being discharged four days after admission, Eunsoo took leave from work. And every day, he visited Dokwon.
With Dokwon lying there like that, it was difficult to take care of himself, let alone work. He was constantly fed, and sleep was elusive. Sleeping on the makeshift bed next to Dokwon in the hospital room was the best way to get some rest.
On a warm sunny afternoon, Eunsoo was trimming Dokwon’s nails. He had just shaved him before. Using an electric shaver to shave his beard, Eunsoo, who wasn’t used to shaving, found it quite challenging. He even recalled a satire lecture he had in college while shaving.
Every minute, I’m sorry, what should I do, oh, I’m sorry, Dokwon, had to repeat those words.
Trimming nails was easier than shaving, but still, I focused and carefully trimmed them. The sound of clipping strangely put my mind at ease.
“It’s the first time I’m trimming Dokwon’s nails or shaving him today. Dokwon, you’ve trimmed my nails a few times, right?”
Eunsoo muttered in a voice only Dokwon could hear. Then he chuckled. I didn’t expect the day would come when I would trim Dokwon’s nails.
It was because Dokwon was always perfect in front of me.
Even when I whined a lot in the morning, he kindly woke me up, and every time, he was already dressed in a shirt and ready for work. While I was showering, he would bring breakfast or make coffee.
Even if work wasn’t going well, he never showed any irritation in front of me. Even when his secretary mentioned that an important contract was messed up and he wasn’t feeling good, I never felt it personally.
Unlike me, who caught a cold and grumbled every season, he never got sick or caught a cold.
So, I had never done anything for Dokwon. No, it was because he was so perfect that I never had the opportunity to do anything. I always received.
But now, as I trimmed his nails, it felt like a new experience. I shouldn’t be feeling good. But I did.
“What else is there? What else can I do for you?”
“There must be a lot. Nothing comes to mind…”
Eunsoo smiled with a bitter smile.
The sudden tragedy was more disheartening and disappointing than just being sad. How difficult it was to adapt to such a tragedy. Looking at Dokwon, who was lying with his eyes closed, it didn’t feel real. It felt like having a bad dream.
Eunsoo sighed deeply and tidied up the nail clippers. Then he buried his cheek in Dokwon’s palm, which had become neat. His heart fluttered in his warm hand as always.
“Dokwon, tell me. What can I do for you?”
“If you tell me now, I’ll do everything.”
Dokwon remained silent. He didn’t even blink. Eunsoo muttered as he stared blankly at the motionless Dokwon.
“I mean it. It’s not a lie. So, tell me anything, please…”
But Dokwon still didn’t say a word.
A lot of the bandages that were wrapped around Dokwon’s body had disappeared. The machines that were tangled up had decreased, and a bandage had been replaced by a band on his head. Yet, Dokwon still didn’t open his eyes.
Doctors came and went frequently. They examined him and moved him around for tests.
Eunsoo just sat there, passing time meaninglessly, watching Dokwon being examined and tested. Even so, he felt empty. He felt good, which he shouldn’t. It felt good.