Red Dot - 14
– Episode 014 –
Inhansi University was already overrun by zombies. Everywhere they went, countless corpses ran towards them, seeking bl00d and flesh.
Standing in the midst of it all, even the emotionally reserved Kang Chaeyi couldn’t help but feel exhausted, as this hellish environment provoked intense anxiety and fear. This hell was too cruel, to the point that even her younger brother, who rarely expressed emotions, seemed increasingly despondent as the days passed.
If Junseong hadn’t experienced this hell for the past two months, he might have tasted the same despair as them by now.
Junseong doubted that Hanseo’s calm demeanor would last long in this situation.
Observing the group, Junseong examined the weapons in their hands.
Hanseo held a pointed stick, Chaeyi wielded a hammer Junseong purchased from a hardware store, Soyeon carried a broom she grabbed from a restroom, and Jiwoo held a surprisingly heavy silver wrench.
Before departing, Junseong could have bought daggers for them from the hardware store. However, to stop zombies, one needed to pierce the skull and damage the brain. Even if he handed them daggers, it would be difficult to pierce the skull. It was better to induce a concussion with a blunt object or a long stick. Although inducing a concussion only temporarily immobilized them, with luck, it could also damage the skull, causing harm.
In the current situation, Hanseo needed a weapon with reach. Despite being students of the Department of Physical Education, Chaeyi, Soyeon, and Jiwoo were not particularly strong. Even if they held daggers, piercing the skull would be challenging. It was better to use a bludgeon or a long stick to strike and induce a concussion. Although inducing a concussion only temporarily stopped their movement, with luck, it could also damage the skull.
Now, Hanseo was the one who needed a weapon with a reach. Considering he was in the Department of Kendo and, therefore, likely more skilled, Junseong had some expectations for him.
Still, Junseong had doubts about whether Hanseo was properly facing the situation. If he panicked or ran away alone when surrounded by zombies, wielding a high lethality weapon, there would be no solution.
‘He’s the top student in Kendo, so he should be able to strike with a stick.’
Hanseo, meeting Junseong’s gaze, smiled again.
Even after witnessing this hellish spectacle, he could still smile like that. Was he truly insane?
Junseong glared at the unpredictable Hanseo once more and then checked his watch.
‘The time is about right.’
Having repeatedly drawn in his mind the safest route for travel, Junseong, shaking, was asked by Jiwoo with a trembling voice.
“B-Brother, let’s go back to our classroom, okay? Zombies are everywhere, how can we break through them and go to the hospital?!”
Jiwoo’s tearful eyes filled Junseong’s eyes again with her unreasonable thoughts.
“We can’t go back to the classroom. If you have the confidence to grab a rope and climb up to the third floor, you can try, but even then, you won’t last long.”
‘They’ll be overwhelmed by zombies,’ Junseong thought, holding back the words, and Chaeyi asked him.
“There are too many zombies. Even if there weren’t any, it would take a long time. Is there any way?”
Although Chaeyi was a student of the Department of Social Physical Education, she was not particularly strong. Even if she held a dagger, it would be challenging to pierce the skull. In this situation, Hanseo needed a weapon with reach. Despite being students of the Department of Physical Education, Chaeyi, Soyeon, and Jiwoo were not particularly strong. Even if they held daggers, piercing the skull would be challenging. It was better to use a bludgeon or a long stick to strike and induce a concussion. Although inducing a concussion only temporarily stopped their movement, with luck, it could also damage the skull.
In the current situation, Hanseo needed a weapon with reach. Considering he was in the Department of Kendo and, therefore, likely more skilled, Junseong had some expectations for him.
Still, Junseong had doubts about whether Hanseo was properly facing the situation. If he panicked or ran away alone when surrounded by zombies, wielding a high lethality weapon, there would be no solution.
‘He’s the top student in Kendo, so he should be able to strike with a stick.’
Hanseo, meeting Junseong’s gaze, smiled again.
Even after witnessing this hellish spectacle, he could still smile like that. Was he truly insane?
Junseong glared at the unpredictable Hanseo once more and then checked his watch.
‘The time is about right.’
Having repeatedly drawn in his mind the safest route for travel, Junseong, shaking, was asked by Jiwoo with a trembling voice.
“B-Brother, let’s go back to our classroom, okay? Zombies are everywhere, how can we break through them and go to the hospital?!”
Jiwoo’s tearful eyes filled Junseong’s eyes again with her unreasonable thoughts.
“We can’t go back to the classroom. If you have the confidence to grab a rope and climb up to the third floor, you can try, but even then, you won’t last long.”
‘They’ll be overwhelmed by zombies,’ Junseong thought, holding back the words, and Chaeyi asked him.
“There are too many zombies. Even if there weren’t any, it would take a long time. Is there any way?”
Despite everything, Chaeyi wanted to believe in her older brother. Given his surprising preparedness and calculations as if he had anticipated this situation, she felt hopeful that this time would be no different.
As per Chaeyi’s wish, Junseong was thinking of the least dangerous route to guide them to the hospital.
“As you can see, there are too many zombies on the streets. Honestly, if we run straight to the hospital, we won’t last a few minutes. Even if you could hold a rope and climb up to the third floor, it won’t help much.”
“If we can’t go back, then what do we do?!”
Junseong pointed down at his feet.
When the group didn’t understand his intention, he motioned towards an underground entrance about 50 meters away in the alley. The words “Inhansi Station” and the number “3” were written on a blue rectangular pillar next to it.
“Ah, I see.”
Hanseo’s eyes focused as he caught on.
“Are we going underground?”
“That’s right.”
Junseong nodded. He pointed to the subway entrance about 50 meters away in the alley. The words “Inhansi Station” and the number “3” were written on a blue rectangular pillar next to it.
“We’ll go down through that entrance to the subway.”
“Are you crazy?!”
Jiwoo exclaimed loudly, then quickly closed her mouth and looked around, as if surprised by her own outburst. Since Junseong had intentionally led them to a zombie-free alley, there were no zombies close enough to hear Jiwoo’s voice.
With everyone remaining silent, focused on the surrounding sounds, Chaeyi spoke instead of Jiwoo.
“I’m against going underground too. Do you know how many people use that subway? It’s obvious that most of them would have turned into zombies. Why would we go down there?”
Chaeyi’s argument also made sense. Subways were usually crowded with people, and the entrances were wide open without automatic doors. Naturally, zombies would not have left the subway alone, and the interior would likely become another hell.
Walking directly into such a place made everyone understandably uneasy.
The only person.
Hanseo, with an interested look, was waiting for Junseong’s response.
Since Junseong had anticipated the group’s resistance, he responded without hesitation.
“There are three reasons we want to go underground. Platform screen doors, emergency shelters, and the subway route.”
Brief words didn’t convey much understanding. The group paid attention to Junseong’s next words.
“Every subway in Korea has platform screen doors. Normally, they operate automatically, but in emergencies, they can be manually opened.”
As he spoke, there was a handle inside the platform screen door that could be manually opened in case of an emergency.
“However, zombies are not intelligent enough to open the platform screen doors manually.”
“Even if they can’t open them, the subway is still full of zombies, right?”
“My point is, there are likely no zombies beyond the platform screen door on the tracks. They probably don’t know how to open them manually, and the reinforced glass lowers the chances of them breaking through.”
He tried to explain it to Jiwoo in simpler terms, but it was still challenging to completely convince them to head towards a subway full of zombies. So, he brought up something that might interest them.
“If we cross over to the tracks beyond the platform screen door, we can reach the emergency shelter inside the tunnel.”
He glanced at the watch, showing the time.
[04:31:29 PM]
It was early December.
In winter, it gets dark quickly after 5 PM.
“In about an hour, it will be completely dark. Once the sun sets, we will be at a significant disadvantage. Zombies can easily chase us using only their sense of hearing, while our visibility decreases, making it difficult for us to respond properly. So, we need a safe place to rest at night.”
“Well… that’s true.”
Soyeon agreed, nodding her head. No one here would likely agree to travel at night. Also, they were already tired and tense due to the sudden appearance of zombies.
As Jiwoo and Soyeon were now faced with the dilemma of where to rest for the night, Hanseo, the only one, looked at Junseong with an expression of curiosity.
“Does the subway route lead to the hospital?”
Chaei, accurately grasping what Junseong was trying to say, gazed at the subway entrance outside the alley.
“Surely, if we use the subway tracks, it will be closer. I saw on the map earlier, and the route to the hospital seemed winding.”
“Even if we can’t arrive directly at the hospital, we can quickly and safely reach a mid-point.”
“Then I agree.”
Chaei, with an improved expression, looked at Soyeon and Jiwoo.
“Is there any other option?”
The two couldn’t suggest an alternative. After exchanging glances, they eventually nodded their heads.
Even though the discussion continued, Hanseo, who remained unchanged and unresponsive, was directly asked by Chaei.
“What about you, senior?”
“I’m okay with it too.”
Hanseo, still smiling, looked at Junseong. Meeting his gaze, Junseong felt the strange chill he had experienced in the classroom.
“I’m curious about the outcome.”
The words and voice were as cold as drawing a spine with ice. The murmuring was too faint for others to hear. Only Junseong, who could hear it, paid attention to his words.
‘What is this, seriously?’
It was now beyond mere composure; it felt like he was enjoying the situation from a distance. Junseong didn’t like that feeling.
But it wasn’t the time to delve deep into it.
Checking the time again, Junseong pulled out the machete from behind his back.
“We’ll be leaving soon.”
Jiwoo, with a frightened expression, shuffled her feet and pursed her lips.
“I’ll lead the way, so follow me closely. We’ll move towards the direction with the fewest zombies.”
This time, Junseong’s voice was tense. Though he had experienced similar situations in his dreams, the reality could not be denied, and there was only one chance. Any mistake could lead to everyone’s death.
‘I can do this. Stay calm.’
Junseong reassured himself and gripped the machete tightly.
“Let’s go!”
With a brief signal, they rushed out of the alley. Soon, the footsteps of the four followed. Jiwoo, who had been scared, seemed to be desperately following, aware that if she fell behind, she could die.
Instead of heading straight to the subway station, Junseong calculated the sight range of nearby zombies and slightly detoured while running.
Jiwoo, who had been terrified, seemed to understand that if she strayed too far from the group, she could be in danger.This time, Junseong, with the machete in hand, rushed towards a lone zombie’s back instead of directly heading to the subway station.
The zombie, who had been unaware due to the screams from all around, noticed him only when Junseong got close, revealing its gruesome face.